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Financial Assistance

Theatre for All Financial Assistance is made available to families for Asolo Rep Summer Camps by the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation. 

If you are applying for financial assistance, please be sure to read the adjustments in our process that are laid out below. We look forward to creating with you!

What is the process to participate in Financial Assistance?

Asolo Rep reserves spots for a limited number of partial scholarships in each class session and age group. 

Please fill out the application below to apply for a scholarship. Once the application is submitted you will hear back from us within 2-3 weeks of submission by recieving an email that details if the student was awarded the scholarship, for what weeks of camp can the scholarship be used, and how to accept it.

Awards must be accepted by 1 week prior to camp start date, and paid in-full by camp start date to to guarantee slots. We will continue to receive and review scholarship applications until all slots have been filled.

How much do camps cost?

Students who accept the scholarship will owe up to $50 to hold their spot in each weekly class.  

Can I get financial assistance for more than one camper?

Yes. You can list all of the campers names and their ages in the form. 

Are there any restrictions when applying for financial assistance?

Please only sign up for 2 consecutive weeks of camp at a time. Campers can attend more than 2 weeks of camp in total but no more than 2 weeks in a row. 

For example: Camper A will attend week 1 and week 2, take a break for week 3, and attend week 4 and 5. 

This is to ensure that the excitement of the camp continues throughout the weekend. 

When do I need to tell you if my camper(s) are coming to Asolo Rep?

Awards must be accepted by 1 week prior to camp start date, and paid in-full by camp start date to to guarantee slots.

I have a question: who should I contact?

You can contact Elizabeth and Sara at education@asolo.org.

How do I pay for my camp?

Upon acceptance you will recieve a link via email that will lead you to our online payment website. 

Fill out my online form.